
Vyas Shatavari Churna

व्यास शतावरी चूर्ण

100 gm

Rs. 131 Rs. 145 10% off         
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Healthy Female Reproductive System, Milk Producton and balance female hormones. It helps in toning and nourishing female reproductive organs. It is used in males to treat sexual debility. Also effective in stomach ulcers, hyperacidity and diarrhea.

Benefits of Shatavari Churna

  • It is very useful in conditions where there is less oestrogen like symptoms like nausea, abdominal cramps, mood swings in premenstrual syndrome, hot flashes, dryness of vagina during menopause.
  • It also cleanses the uterus, strengthens the uterus thus making it ready for fertilisation. The health of the uterus is important during impregnation and during the growth of the foetus.
  • It helps to increase libido thereby increasing the fertility.
  • It helps in leucorrhoea, metrorrhagia, giddiness, tiredness.
  • It also helps to increase the flow of urine and prevents burning micturition or difficulty in urination, inflammation of the urinary tract.
  • It is hepatoprotective thus reducing the symptoms in jaundice and also strengthens the liver.
  • It balances the harmones by normalising the decreased oestrogen.
  • It is also good for the increase the sukra dhathu thus enhancing fertility in males and also helps in spermatorrhoea.
  • It is especially helpful during lactation and increases the breast milk.
  • It improves the memory and helps to reduce the burning sensation in the eyes.
  • It is also good for heartburn, gastritis, indigestion, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • It can be used to strengthen the uterus after miscarriage and also to prevent miscarriage.
  • It helps to improve the peristaltic movements thereby preventing constipation.
  • It nourishes the nerves and even helps in the function of the brain with intelligence.
  • It helps bronchitis with increased pitta dosha with inflammation of the throat.
  • It acts on Sadhaka pitta which thereby reduces palpitation and also acts as cardiotonic.
  • It increases the ojas which is the essence of the seven dhathus. It helps to reduce debility and increases the immunity of the body.
  • It can be used after hysterectomy to balance the harmone

Dosage: One teaspoonful to be taken twice daily with water/milk.