
Vyas Ashwagandha Pak

200 gm

Rs. 212 Rs. 235 10% off         
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 About Ashwagandha Pak

 In 1993  Vyas Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated .The enterprise family members would personally prepare the ancient medicinal recipes with their own hands with a sense of pride and honour. With the advent of Industrialisation, these operations gave way to mechanisation and today the Vyas Pharmaceuticals boasts of state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities.

 Ashwagandha is a natural herb that is known for its multiple benefits. Ashwagandha Pak is an Ayurvedic preparation containing Ashwagandha, cow-milk, sugar, medicinal herbs and minerals. The chief ingredient of this medicine is Ashwagandha.The botanical name of Ashwagandha is Withania Somnifera. It is one of the important tonic herb of Ayurveda. For therapeutic purpose mainly the roots of plant are used. The roots are sedative, tonic,  alterative, aphrodisiac and nutritive. The roots are used in treatment of senile debility, consumption, rheumatism, Vata rog, nerves weakness, nervous breakdown, loss of memory, loss of muscular strength, sperm disorders, spermatorrhoea, impotency and infertility. The internal administration of root powder with milk improves stamina and strength.Ashwagandha is important ingredient of many aphrodisiac herbal medicines.Use of Ashwagandha pak improves libido, muscles tone, nourishes body and cures various health problem related to male reproductive system. 






 Tej Patra





Vansh Lochan










 Akhrot Ki Giri

 Bhilava Mingi




 Abhrak Bhasma

 Naag Bhasma

 Vang Bhasma

 Lauha Bhasma



  • It is nutritive, rejuvenating, aphrodisiac and tonic.
  • It improves digestion, strength and muscle tone.
  • It improves sperm count and cures sperm disorders.
  • It pacifies aggravated Vata and Pitta Dosha.
  • It especially works on nerves, kidney, and sperms.


1. Keep away from children.

2. Store in a cool dry place.

3. Keep away from direct sunlight.