
Stay On Spray

12 gm

Rs. 189         
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Research says that around 80% of the divorces today are based on the weak foundation of an unhappy and dissatisfied sexual life. The etiology of the problem leads to the root cause, one of them being premature ejaculation in men. In the age of modern science, people are on the lookout for a product with quick results in prolonging the pleasure without any side-effects, STAY-ON has been extremely successful for years in saving most unhappy couples from marital breakdown, It comes with the promise.,, never to harm your eyes, mess with your heart or hit your pocket too hard, what it attacks is 'Premature Ejaculation'.

Safety Information:
STAY-ON is generally safe and has no side effects, However local anaesthetics should not be given to people with myasthe-nia gravis, epilepsy, impaired cardiac conditions or liver damage. Each application not to exceed; 10 metered sprays, Discontinue use if irritation develops. Wash off after intercourse. Do not spray in eyes or nostrils.

Indications: Delay Premature Ejaculation

Shake container well. Hold the container 5 to 10 cms away from the glans of the penis with arrow of the spray pump pointing towards the area of application. Press the pump 3-4 times to spray STAY-ON on the glans. Apply on the Head of the penis & nerves on the back side of the penis. For perfect result do not touch the applied area well for 5-7 minutes before the sexual intercourse.