
SBL Scalptone

Rs. 125         
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Prevents excessive hair loss & premature greying


Scalptone is aproduct of SBL's Research & Development and is a combination of well proven drugs of homoeopathic therapeutics, for prevention of hairloss and premature greying. Each hair consist of shafts (visible hair) and a follicle which contains a root ( dermal papilla ) that is nourished by venous blood. A sebaceous gland lubricates the follicle. Lining the follicles and mixed in with the cells making keratin are other cells laiden with a pigment called melanin. Melanin stains the keratin and gives hair its color. Dandruff is an excessive scaling of the dead skin of the scalp. Scalptone is the sensible treatment for scalp to stay healthy and provides an ideal environment for the hair producing tissues that are found there in profusion.


Each Tablet Contains : 30

  • Acidum fluoricum : 30
  • Acidum phosphoricum : 30
  • Natrum muriaticum : 30
  • Arsenicum album : 30
  • Calcarea phosphorica : 30
  • Badiaga : 30

in equal proportion.

Excipients q.s. to one tablet of 100 mg.



Alopecia, falling out of hair. Complaints of old age, or the prematurely aged, with week, distended blood vessels.


Hair grey early in life, falling out. Hair thins out. Exposure to the ravages of acute disease, excessive grief and loss of vital fluids. Mental debility first; later physical.


Affects hair follicles, alopecia, greasy skin. Seborrhoea, falling out of hair, sensitiveness of scalp.


Scalp itches intolerably; circular patches of bare spots; dirty rough, sensitive and covered with dry scales; nightly burning and itching; dandruff. Scalp very sensitive; cannot brush hair


Head hot, with smarting of roots of  hair, itching on the scalp provoking scratching.


Dandruff, scalp sore, dry, tetter like. Hair dry. Itching of the scalp.


Excessive hair loss and itching. Irritation and dryness of scalp. Thinning and splitting of hair. Premature greying. Dandruff.


  • Keeps the scalp healthy and well-cared for hair growth.
  • Makes hair feel thicker and look glossy.


Adults         : 4 Tablets 4 to 6 times daily.

Children       : Half of the adults dose Or as directed by the physician.


Bottle of 25 mg. containing 250 Tablets of 100 mg. each.