
SBL Bio Combination 28

25 gm

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SBL Bio Combination 28 

BC 28- Tonic

Indications of SBL Bio Combination 28 

Builds up entire system by providing necessary tissue nutrition.

Action of Biochemic medicine in SBL Bio Combination 28 

Calcarea fluorica: It helps in malnutrition of bones, joints and glands and helps improving absorption of calcium.

Calcarea phosphorica: Bone diseases, healing, fractures, useful for chronic wasting diseases as a calcium supplement.

Calcarea sulphurica: It helps Control inflammation, suppurative processes, ear, nose, throat and controls purulent thick yellow discharges.

Ferrum phosphoricum: It Build blood, tissues, controls inflammation and minor fevers. For all 1st stage affections.

Kalium muraticum: It is useful For healthy ear, chest, and liver.

Kalium phosphoricum: For health of nerves, brain tissues, tranquillity and improvement of mental power.

Kalium sulphuricum: It helps to maintain healthy skin, useful for joints.

Magnesium phosphoricum: For health of muscles, uterine tone, pain related nerves, and heart. Relieves all types of spasmodic pains.

Natrum muriaticum: It helps to maintain the health of kidney, joints and all mucous membranes.

Natrum phosphoricum: It assists healthier metabolism of fats, better digestive power with control on hyperacidity.

Natrum sulphuricum: It maintains rhe water balance of body.

Silicea: Improves assimilation, corrects defective nutrition.