Onions bring stomach, stimulants and enough sleep. The seeds of onionare destructive, destructive todecay (tooth worms) and gonorrhea (disorders of the metal). Itjaundice , rheumatism , choleratic, Kfvrdhk, Vednasthapan (reducing pain), resolvent (swelling to take away with), Wrnsothpacn () to reduce scarring and inflammation of the defects of the skin is to remove. Onions are the lamp (enhancer), digestion (digestive), urine (enhancing the amount of urine). In addition to this, it is the one who develops sperm cells, is a blood-type, dermatologist, spoilage (aphrodisiac), enlargement , itching, andenhancingthe brightness of the face.
1. Eye diseases:
2. Constipation :
3. Arthritis (joint pain):
4. Throat diseases: