
New Shama Habbe Amber Momyaee Gold

10 pills

Rs. 400 Rs. 465 14% off         
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About New Shama Habbe Amber Momyaee Gold

New Shama Habbe Amber Momyaee Gold is an Unani, herbal medication which strengthens the functioning of nerves, heart and brain. Removes sexual debility and safeguards virile power. Increases quality and quantity of sperms and also removes various underlying causes of impotency.

Indications of New Shama Habbe Amber Momyaee Gold

  • Helpful in Erectile dysfunction, hypo-tension, Less sperm count, frigidity and general debility.  
  • Increases sperm count and also removes various underlying causes of impotency. 
  • It also removes the weakness arises soon after coitus.
  • Best result may be observed after its use for a reasonable period.

Ingredients of New Shama Habbe Amber Momyaee Gold

  • Asphaltum Purified/ Momyai 
  • Pistacia lentiscus/ Mastagi
  • Mytilus margaritiferus/ Marwareed Mehlool
  • Bambusa arundinacea/ Manna/ Tabasheer
  • Myrtus caryophyllus/ Qaranfal
  • Myristica fragrans/ Mace/ Bisbasa
  • Myristica fragrans/ Nutmeg/ Jauzbua
  • Centaurea behen/ Behman Safed
  • Salvia haematodes/ Behman Surkh
  • Cinnnamomum zeylanicum/ Darchini
  • Pastinaca sativa/ Shaqaqul Misri
  • Zingiber officinale/ Zanjbil
  • Doronicum hookeri/ Darunaj Aqrabi
  • Aquilaria agallocha/ Ood Hindi
  • Paeonia officinalis/ Ood Saleeb
  • Orchis latifolia/ Khusyatus Salab
  • Delphinium denudatum/ Jadwar
  • Ambra grasea/ Ambar Ashas
  • Serpentine/ Zahar Mohra
  • Pistacia vera Oil/ Roghan Pista

Precautions of New Shama Habbe Amber Momyaee Gold

  • Store in a dry cool place.
  • Keep away from children's reach.
  • Self medication is not recommended. 
  • Store in dry and cool place.
  • Close medicine cap tightly after every use.
  • Keep medicine in original package and container.