
Jondila forte syrup from Medisynth

125 ml

Rs. 89         
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Dr.VcNALLY Jondila Forte is a distinct product designed to serve as a restorative, regenerative and protective agent in a wide spectrum of hepatic and gastric complaints. It aids digestion and improves appetite. It also acts as a best restorative tonic in general convalescence. It is specially recommended in cases of jaundice, sluggish liver functions, worms etc.

Action of ingredients

Carduus marianus: The action of this remedy centered on liver and portal system. Regeneration of damaged liver tissues and protection against various liver toxins seems to be the curative sphere of a remedy. Liver complaints because of alcoholic beverages especially beer. Pain in region of liver with fullness, soreness, jaundice and moist skin. The presence of “Liver spots” seems to be the special indication of this remedy. Constipation alternates with diarrhoea. Enlargement of gall bladder with tenderness. Cirrhosis of liver with dropsy.

Carica papaya: Helps digestion, checks acidity, regulates liver functions, improves appetite.

Chelidonium majus: A prominent liver remedy covering many of the direct reflex symptoms of diseased conditions of that organ. Jaundiced skin and especially constant pain under inferior angle of right scapula are certain indications. General lethargy and indisposition to make any efforts, serous effusions and bilious complications during gestation are also treated by this medicine.

Chionanthus Virginica: A Prominent liver remedy for enlarged spleen, jaundice (in ladies with arrest of menses) Gallstones, Paroxysmal abdominal pain.
Andrographis paniculata: For flatulence and diarrhoea of children in torpidity of liver neuralgia, general debility, convalescence and in fully developed stage of dysentry.

Myrica cerifera: Has a marked action on the liver with jaundice and on mucous membranes.

Dosage: Syrup if having jaundice adult 1 teaspoonful (5ml) every 3 hours, children half the above dose.