
Himalaya Pilex Tablet

60 tab

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About Pilex Tablet

Pilex Tablet is an Ayurvedic formulation medicine that is used for the treatment of Hemorrhoids, piles and supportive in vericose vein problem

Ingredients of Pilex Tablet

  • Guggulu (Commiphora Wightii)
  • Purified Shilajit
  • Neem seeds (Azadirachta Indica)
  • Daruhaldi (Daruharidra) – Berberis Aristata
  • Amla (Amalaki or Indian Gooseberry) – Emblica officinalis
  • Haritaki – Terminalia Chebula
  • Bibhitaki –  Terminalia Bellirica
  • Amaltas (Aragvadha ) – Cassia fistula
  • Kanchanara – Bauhinia Variegata
  • Nagkesar – Mesua Ferrea

 Indications of Pilex Tablet

  • Bleeding Piles
  • Non-bleeding piles
  • Internal or external hemorrhoids
  • Varicose veins
  • Anal discomfort or pain

Pilex tablets shrink the hemorrhoid mass and stop bleeding. Pilex reduces inflammation of mucous membrane and skin. It reduces rectal bleeding, alleviates pain & itching and treats chronic constipation, which are main symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Pilex tablets should be used along with Pilex ointment in the fissure. Generally, ointment alone can provide good results in fissures. In addition to Pilex tablets and ointment, one may also need to take Gandhak Rasayana and Yashad Bhasma for quick healing of fissures.

Pilex tablet contains Daruhaldi (Berberis Aristata), Neem seeds and Nagkesar, which are effective remedies for bleeding piles. In mild cases, it alone can provide good relief. Pilex is effective if one has mild bleeding with hemorrhoids. In severe cases, one may also require other remedies including Praval Pishti, Kaharva Pishti (Trinkant Mani Pishti), Yashtimadhu, Amla, Arshoghni Vati etc. You can find details here: Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles

Non-bleeding Piles

Pilex Tablets are likely to shrink the pile mass and reduces inflammation. Ingredients in it help a proper elimination of VAYU (gas) and reduce Vata aggravation, which further helps to reduce stretching of the blood vessels and likely to reduce the pile mass. In severe cases, it can be used along with Kankayan Vati for best results.


1. Keep out of reach of children.

2. Store in a dry cool place.

3. Do take medical consult in pregnancy and lactation.