
Happy knights

125 gm

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About Happy knights (125gm) 

Happy knights (125gm) is an Unani herbal drug formulation. It addresses the issues related to male sexual debilities such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and depressed libido etc.  Happy knights contains a special blend of natural herbs and extracts which are act on sexual glands to improve sexual problems.

Indications Happy knights (125gm) 

For Vigour and Vitality, Stamina booster, Helps in the treatment of Erectile dysfunction, Infertility, Oligospermia, Low libido, Ejaculatory insufficient , Sexual and General Weakness 

  • Improves vigor and vitality.  
  • Strengthens nerves and removes general debility.  
  • Control premature ejaculation.  
  • Increases sexual stamina and energy.  
  • Increases the quality and quantity of sperms.  
  • Treat Erectile dysfunction.

Ingredients ofHappy knights (125gm) 

  • Asgandh Nagori and Aqar Qarah open the blood veins stimulates blood flow shortly before sex, helping to maintain an erection, and also increases testosterone levels over time ultimately cure impotency and increase male fertility.
  • Safed Musli, Taal Makhana, Gokhru powder and Lajwanti increase thickness of semen and increases calcium and phosphate content of the bones which leads to prevention of various bone diseases and improves the life of joints.
  • Loha bhasma, Triwang Bhasm and Mandoor bhasma increase the bone strength and gives develops natural immunity.
  • Kalonji, Jawetri, Maal Kagni, Dalchini and Jaifal maintain the heart beat so no worry of blood pressure during intercourse.
  • Bedana, Pumba Dana, Beej band, Kawachbeej responsible for increase in sperm count. 
  • Suranjan, Sighadakhushk, Dhavda Gond and Azraki is responsible for prevention of joint pain which appears after intercourse.
  • Zanjabeel and Kali Moosli prevent cough formation and respiratory diseases, increase lung capacity and function.
  • Badam and Magze Kharbooja nourish brain tissues. 
  • Roomi Mastagi, Behman Surkh, Behman Sufed and Salab Punja, Qand Sufed, Tudari increases the man power.
  • Indian Ginseng: also called “ashwagandha,” this herb promotes vitality and encourages sexual and reproductive balance. It’s long been used to treat impotence, premature ejaculation, and other erection disorders, but also has a reputation for benefiting women’s reproductive systems.

Dosage of Happy knights (125gm) 

  • One Tea spoonful (10 gm) to be taken  2 hrs before intercourse/ Sex.

Precautions of Happy knights (125gm) 

  • Do not over dosage the recommended dose.
  • Keep away from children's reach.
  • Self medication is not recommended. 
  • Store in dry and cool place.
  • Close medicine cap tightly after every use.
  • Keep medicine in original package and container.

Terms and Conditions

We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating