
Habb E Nishat by Hamdard

16 pills

Rs. 105         
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Hamdard Habbe Nishat: Habbe Nishat is a herbal medicine which helps male with infertility problems and helps them work better in toward their reproductive activity .It strengthens their muscles and increases their stamina to increase the chances of their female partners to get pregnant so it deals with impotency issue and helps women to conceive.


  • Marwarid
  • Zafran
  • Ambar
  • Myristica fragrans
  • Palaemon curcinus
  • Argyeria speciosa
  • Expenients of Silicate ( magnesia and iron)
  • Crocus sativus
  • Mynistica fragrans
  • Stannous calcined

Dosage: 2 pills to be taken after 2 hours of dinner or 2 hours before required time with 250 ml of milk