
Glucomap by Maharishi Ayurveda

100 tab

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Glucomap (100 Tablets)

by Maharishi Ayurveda Products




Glucomap is a rational combination of herbal hypoglycaemics known since ages and duly accredited by laboratory and clinical studies. Its effects resemble that of sulfonylureas and biguanides. According to studies, Glucomap has both pancreatic as well as extra pancreatic action (Momordica cherantia and Eugenia jambolana). Glucomap stimulates beta cells of pancreas (Aegle marmelos), increases peripheral utilization of glucose ( Enicostemma Littorate ) and arrests glycogenolysis (Eugenia jambolana).

Besides, Glucomap protexts cardiovascular and nerve tissues from degeneratinve changes (Terminaliaarjuna), protects the liver and strengthens its function (phyllanthus niruri). The immunoregulator, Asphaltum in Glucomap arrests metabolic abnormalities and reduces recurrent infections. Salsaradigan of Glucomap gives an umbrella of protection against all pervasive degeneration in diabetes.

During clinical trials, Glucomap was found to be extremely well tolerated even in doses as high as 16 tablets a day. Significantly, almost all patients had such improved subjective feelings as never experienced with other anti-diabetic therapies.




Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes mellitus, As an adjuvant to other anti-diabetic drugs, in severe or resistant case of diabetes.


Each tablet contains:

  • Naga Jihwa Enicostemma littorale 33.33 mg
  • Bhumi Amalaki Phyllanthus niruri 33.33 mgJambu (leaf) Eugenia
  • Jambolana 33.33 mg
  • Jambu (seed) Eugenia Jambolana 133.33 mg
  • Nimba Azadirachra indica 33.33 mg
  • Arjuna Terminalia arjuna 33.33 mg
  • Bilva Aegle marmelos 133.33 mg
  • Shilajcet Asphaltum 66.66 mg
  • Processed in the aqueous extract of Bilva (Aegle Marmelos)
  • Karavellaka Momordica cherantia) 
  • Salsaradigan.


1 to 2 tablets twice a day after meals. Initial dose may be increased to elicit good result.


A box of 100 tablets.