Composition: (Calc Phos, Ferr Phos, Kali Phos, Mag Phos, Nat Phos)6x
If the mental, physical, general and nervous weakness due to loss of vital fluid occurs, then Five Phos is considered a useful remedy. These symptoms may also appear because of any sudden shock. Five Phos is also useful when the physical, mental & general strength becomes weak because of the sexual excess. Five Phos regulates the lost strength. It also increases hemoglobin of lactating mothers and elderly women. Five Phos is used as a general tonic for those people who are busy most of the time in mental work. The use of Five Phos keeps the person tired free all the day long. A general tonic for all chronically wasting diseases & anaemia. Recommended for women who have been weakened by frequent childbearing. General debility and exhaustion with a lack of vitality.
Adult:4 tablets, children half of the same 3-4 times a day .
Pack: 25gm