
Dr. Reckeweg Crotalus Horridus 200 CH

11 ml

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Dr. Reckeweg Crotalus Horridus (Dilution)

Trituration of sugar of milk saturated with the venom. Solution of the venom in glycerine.

Common Name:Rattlesnake  

Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Crotalus Horridus 

  • Nervous shock and prostration with trembling, predominantly a right-side medicine
  • Bleeding from all orifices and surfaces and even pores of the skin. Fluid hemorrhages, yellow skin.
  • Chronic bilious, climacteric, or albuminuric conditions. Swelling of glands.
  • Pains alternate rapidly with each other. Swelling of whole body. Agonizing pain, restlessness, coldness

Mind and Head

Weeping mood, agony, despair. Sadness, thoughts dwell on death continually. Weeping, with timidity, fear, anxiety.

Dizziness and fainting with occipital headache. Severe pains in right eye and top of head, on right side down back of neck at intervals.

Violent itching of scalp, eruptions, pustules, falling off of hair.

Eyes, ear, nose

Blood exudes from eye, ear, nose. Yellow color of eyes.

Full sensation in ears. Epistaxis, in zymotic diseases, blood thin, vertigo or fainting.

Mouth and Throat

Grinding of teeth during sleep. Lips swollen, stiff, numb.

Impossible to swallow solids. Tongue very red, smooth and polished, feels swollen.

Stomach and abdomen

Unquenchable burning thirst. Nausea on movement, bilious vomiting. Black vomit, blood does not coagulate.

Violent pain in course of colon, aching in liver, vomiting, coldness.

Stool and Anus

Constipation with congestion to head and headache.

Urinary complaints

Urine scanty, dark and red with blood

Female complaints

Early menses accompanied by pains in abdomen and back, and cold feet. The pains last some hours.

Inflamed breasts.Flushing and sinking of menopause is relieved with Crotalus Horridus.

Neck and Back

Tearing pains from shoulder to neck is an indication for this remedy.

Aching in right kidney and in stomach.


Heaviness, as if bones were made of heavy wood. Bruised pain in joints and bones.

Trembling of hands. Tubercle on wrist, near end of radius, size of large split-pea.


Copious, red, itching, papular eruption on face, especially chin, with delayed menses.

Oozing of blood from under nails. Vesicles, herpes, pimples, boils, carbuncles, burns, stings, pemphigus, ulcers, gangrene, felons, anthrax.


Great sensitiveness of skin of right half of body, that the slightest touch would produce twitching of muscles of that side.

Many symptoms are worse in morning on waking, or wake the patient up in the night.

Open air better head and stomach symptoms.

Side effects of Dr. Reckeweg Crotalus Horridus 

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 

It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. 

Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines.

Precautions while taking Dr. Reckeweg Crotalus Horridus 

Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.

If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. 

Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication.