
Dr. Reckeweg Carbo Animalis 200 CH

11 ml

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Dr. Reckeweg Carbo Animalis 

Common name: Animal Charcoal  

Causes and symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Carbo Animalis

  • Carbo Animalis is also indicated in glandular affections. Glands swollen and painful in neck, axillae, groin, mammae with cutting lancinating and burning pains. 
  • Carbo Animalis is also helpful in skin affections like acne rosacea and warts. Warts on hands and face of old people with bluish color of the extremities. It also useful in chilblains which is worse in evening, in bed and from cold.
  • Carbo animalis seems to be especially adapted to scrofulous and venous constitutions, old people, and after debilitating disease, with feeble circulation and lowered vitality.  
  • In cases of weakness of nursing women carbo animalis can be thought about. All the secretions of carbo animalis patient are offensive. Carbo animalis has the symptoms of local congestions without heat.
  • Carbo Animalis is a chief remedy for the treatment of weak digestion. It also helps in ailments from loss of fluids, eating spoiled fish and decayed vegetables. Weak empty feeling in the stomach not relieved by eating. It relieves flatulence.


- Mournful feeling of isolation, Homesickness.  

- Desire for meditation. 

- Desire solitude, avoids conversation.  

- Ill-humored taciturnity. 

- Anger about past events.  

- Changeable moods.  

- Fear of suffocation, worse on closing eyes. 

- Fear evening, dark, high places. 

- Anxiety at night, Frightful images before sleep.    


- Weakness worse menses, nursing women, least loss of vital fluids.  

-  stomach, uterus, glands, overgrowth of cells with Burning pain.  

- Susceptible to colds and easy sprains.  

- Induration, swelling of glands, lymphnodes.  

- Worse by Cold,  Coldness at night in bed, Numbness.    

Food and drinks  

- Desire: Eggs, whisky, sauerkraut, tonics.  

- Aversion: Fat, rich food, tobacco.    


- Pressive headaches worse by cold air, damp weather.  

- Head sensitive to pressure of head.  

- Headache as if tornado in head, as if head blown to pieces, has to sit op at night and hold it together.    


- Hearing confused, cannot tell direction of sound; as if tone came from another world.  

- Ear discharge and swelling of mastoid.    


- Epistaxis (Nosebleed) preceded by vertigo or pressive headache.  

- Hard, bluish tumors on tip of nose. Red tip, cracked.    


- Bluish cheeks and lips, Acne, Erysipelas.  

- Vesicles or cracks on lips.    


- Knotty indurations in tongue. 

- Burning blisters which become ulcers.    


- Weak digestion, Flatulence.  

- Weak, empty feeling, not better by eating; in nursing women.    


- Great distention; after operation.  

- Hard, suppurating bubo, offensive discharge. 

- Induration of pancreas. 

- Coldness rising up in mouth.    

Male genitalia   

- Scirrhus.    

Female genitalia  

- Menses, dark, clotted, too frequent, too long, Followed by great exhaustion, can hardly speak.  

- Flow only in morning (Bov.).  

- burning pain down thighs.  

- Right ovary seems heavy ball.  

- Induration of neck of uterus with burning.  

- Leucorrhea burning, biting, stains linen yellow.    


- Painful induration in breast, purple, aggravated on right.  

- Induration, swelling axillary glands.    


- Injury and neuralgia of coccyx, burning pain aggravated by touch, sitting, lying.  

- Glands of neck swollen.    


- Weak joints. Straining and overlifting produce great weakness.  

- Ankle sprains. 

 - Great weakness and numbness in thighs, aggravated during menses.    


- Profuse, offensive night sweat, staining yellow.    


- Malignant ulcers, Blue, Venous plethora.  

- Cicatrices become painful.  

- Copper-colored eruptions.  

- Red spots, smooth, indurated.    

Side effects of Dr. Reckeweg Carbo Animalis 

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 

It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. 

Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines.

Precautions while taking Dr. Reckeweg Carbo Animalis

Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.

If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. 

Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication.