
Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Fluoricum 30 CH

11 ml

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Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Fluoricum 

Common Name: Fluoride of Lime   

Causes and Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Fluoricum 

  • Calcarea Fluorica is a chief remedy for boils and varicose veins. 
  • There are ulcers of the scalp with hard edges. Hard excrescenses on the scalp. It also helps in styes. 
  • Fissures or cracks on the palms of hands or hard skin with formation of crusts. It is also useful in anal fissures. Indolent fistulous ulcers secreting thick yellow pus. 
  • Induration of stony hardness. Hard, elevated edge of ulcers, surrounding skin purple and swollen. Calcarea Fluorica also helps in gum boil with hard swelling on the jaw. There is also ulcerations of mouth and throat. Calcarea Fluorica is useful in varicose and enlarged veins, especially varicose veins of vulva in females.
  • Calcarea fluorica is a powerful tissue remedy for hard, stony glands, varicose and enlarged veins. 
  • Calcarea fluorica checks the malnutrition of bones, Hard knots in female breast, Goitre and congenital hereditary syphilis. In cases of induration threatening suppuration, calcarea fluorica has done a great work. 
  • Calcarea fluorica is indicated in caries and necrosis with boring pains and heat in parts. It is used after operations where the tendency to adhesions is decreased.   
  • Calcarea Fluorica also helps in bone deformities, joint affections and lumbago. There is caries and necrosis of bones with boring pain and heat in parts resulting from congenital syphilis. 
  • It also helps in lumbago due to strain and chronic lumbago, worse on beginning to move and better by continued motion. There is tired feeling and pain in lower part of the back. Calcarea Fluorica is also useful on joint affections. 
  • Ganglia at the back of the wrist. Gouty enlargements of the joints of the fingers. There is crackling in the joints. It also helps in osseous growths and enlargements of bones with or without caries, particularly of traumatic origin. 
  • Calcarea Fluorica is also indicated in breast induration in the female breast which is hard and knotty. Indurations of stony hardness. Calcarea Fluorica also helps in weak ligaments, tooth decay, neuralgia and cataract.     


- Fear of poverty

- Fear of financial or emotional want.  

- Strong need for security, reassurance.  

-Attachment and dependency.  

- Anxiety about health (Calcarea carbonica) with fear of death (Calcarea carbonica, Kalium-arsenicum, Lycopodium, Nitricum-acidicum). Fear impending disease (Kali-carb). 

- Good in imitating. Acts like a clown.    


- Induration of tissues, glands, tumors; stony hard.  

- Flushes of heat (Pulsatilla), with palpitations.  

- Warmblooded; sometimes with aggravation in cold. 

- Can be chilly.  

- Worse: Cold wet; beginning of motion.  

- Better: Continued motion, heat, Eating. 

- Left sided complaints. 

 - Exostosis, esp. with rheumatism/arthritis.  

- Nodules in tendons.  

- Vascular tumors, Varicose and enlarged veins 

- Grass green discharges. X-ray burns.    


- Exostoses (cartilaginous overgrowth on bone)

- Cephalhematoma (collection of blood between skull and periosteum) in babies.    

- Blood-tumors of new-born infants. 

- Hard excrescences on the scalp. Ulcers on the scalp with callous, hard edges.


- Cataract.  

- Pain better on closing eyes and pressing slightly with hands.  

- Subcutaneous cysts; tumors of lids.

- Flickering and sparks before the eyes, spots on the cornea; conjunctivitis; cataract. 

- Strumous phlyctemular keratitis. Subcutaneous palpebral cysts.   


- Calcareous deposit on tympanum.  

- Chronic suppuration of middle ear with deafness, ringing and roaring.  


- Cold in the head; stuffy cold; dry coryza; ozaena. 

- Copious, offensive, thick, greenish, lumpy, yellow nasal catarrh. 

- Atrophic rhinitis, especially if crusts are prominent.

Face.--Hard swelling on the cheek, with pain or toothache, hard swelling on jaw-bone.


- Cracks in tongue; induration of tongue,  hardening after inflammation.    

- Gum-boil, with hard swelling on the jaw.  


- Break, crumble easily. Looseness.  

- Unnatural looseness of the teeth, with or without pain; teeth become loose in their sockets. 

- Toothache, with pain if any food touches the tooth.


- Chronic suppuration of tonsils. 

- Tonsils rough and ragged.  

- Pain and burning with suffocative feeling, worse night, cold drinks; better by warm drinks.

- Follicular sore throat; plugs of mucus are continually forming in the crypts of the tonsils. 

- Pain and burning in throat; better by warm drinks; worse, cold drinks. 

- Relaxed uvula, tickling referred to larynx.    

External throat  

- Hard goitre.  

- Hard swelling of glands.    


- Always hungry. 

- Emaciation with increased appetite. 

- Indigestion from fatigue, brain fag.    

- Vomiting of infants. Vomiting of undigested food. Hiccough. Flatulency. Weakness and daintiness of appetite, nausea and distress after eating in young children who are overtaxed by studies. Acute indigestion from fatigue and brain-fag; much flatulence


- Flatulence, worse during pregnancy, when riding.    

Stool and Anus

- Diarrhea in gouty subjects. Itching of anus. 

- Fissure of the anus, and intensely sore crack near the lower end of the bowel. 

- Bleeding hemorrhoids. Itching of anus as from pin-worms. 

- Internal or blind piles frequently, with pain in back, generally far down on the sacrum, and constipation. 

- Much wind in lower bowels. Worse, pregnancy.


- Diarrhea from fat.  

- Hemorrhoids; with low back pains.  

- Fistula.    


- Hydrocele; indurations of the testicles.

Female genitalia  

- Very hard, large fibroids uterus.    


- Hard nodules in breast.    

Respiratory Organs

- Hoarseness. Croup. Cough with expectoration of tiny lumps of yellow mucus, with tickling sensation and irritation on lying down. Spasmodic cough. 

- Calc. Fluor removes fibroid deposits about the endocardium and restores normal endocardial structure

Circulatory Organs

- Chief remedy dilated blood-vessels, and for varicose or enlarged veins. 

- Valvular disease. When the tuberculous toxins attack the heart and blood-vessels.

Neck and Back

- Chronic lumbago; aggravated on beginning to move, and ameliorated on continued motion. 

- Rachitic enlargement of femur in infants. 

- Pain lower part of back, with burning.



- Curvature. 

- Exostoses (spine).      


- Exostoses (fingers, heels). 

- Arthritic nodosities.  

- Nails hard and brittle, grow rapid.  

- Arthritis, lumbago, sciatica: worse in cold and better by continued motion.  

- Varicose veins.    

- Recurrent fibroids in hollow of knee.  

- Swelling feet on hot days.    


- Profuse.  

- Offensive.    


- Vivid dreams, with sense of impending danger. Unrefreshing sleep.


- Thin and white.  

- Chaps and cracks.  

- Fistula. 

- Suppurations with callous, hard edges. 

- Scar tissue; adhesions after operations.

- Indolent, fistulous ulcers, secreting thick, yellow pus. 

- Hard, elevated edges of ulcer, surrounding skin purple and swollen. 

- Knots, kernels, hardened glands in the female breast. 

- Swellings or indurated enlargements having their seat in the fasciae and capsular ligaments of joints, or in the tendons. 

- Indurations of stony hardness.


- Worse, during rest, changes of weather. Better, heat, warm applications.

Side effects of Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Fluoricum   

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 

It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. 

Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines.

Precautions while taking Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Fluoricum 

Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.

If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. 

Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication.