
Dr. Reckeweg Abrotanum 200 CH

11 ml

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Dr. Reckeweg Abrotanum

Common Name: Southern Wood, Lady's Love

Causes & Symptoms for Dr. Reckeweg Abrotanum

  • A very useful remedy in marasmus, especially of lower extremities only, yet with good appetite.
  • The most prominent symptom of Abrotanum is weakness in lower extremities.
  • It has also an intense indigestion and morbid appetite.
  • There are burning, gnawing, constricting pains, and sometimes vomiting of offensive matters.
  • A peculiar sensation is as if the stomach were hanging or swimming in water.
  • Another great characteristic of Abrot. is metastasis, metastatic rheumatism.
  • There is a sudden aching pain in back better by motion.
  • Symptoms are worse at night and in cold air.
  • The face is wrinkled, pale, old-looking, feels cold, blue rings round eyes.
  • It is suited to affections of newborn children, and especially little boys, hydrocele, epistaxis, emaciation.
  • There is Oozing of blood and moisture from navel of newborn.
  • Person with gnawing hunger, craves bread boiled in milk, ravenous appetite, gastralgia with loss of appetite is marked.


  • Person with Great anxiety and depression.
  • Abrotanum Child is cross, depressed, very peevish.
  • Person Feels she would like to do something cruel, no humanity.
  • Thinking difficult, feels as if brain softening.
  • Abrotanum person is excited, loquacious, like shouting, good-humored.


  • Cannot hold the head up.
  • The left brain seems especially weak, easily tired by conversation or mental effort.
  • There is sensation as of creeping chills, accompanied by prickling sensation.
  • Scalp is sore, especially left side accompanied with itching.


  • Person with blue rings around dull-looking eyes.


  • Nose is dry and bleeds easily can be checked by Abrotanum.


  • Face wrinkled, as if old, comedones, with emaciation is seen.


  • Sensation as if stomach were hanging or swimming in water, with coldness.
  • Pains is cutting, gnawing, burning and worse at night.


  • There is great distension of abdomen, weak, sinking feeling in bowels.
  • Sensation of hard lumps in different parts of abdomen.

Stool and Anus

  • Food which passes undigested is relieved with Abrotanum
  • Rheumatism after suddenly checked diarrhoea is checked by Abrotanum.
  • Abrotanum is useful in complaints of alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
  • It is useful in protruding piles, with burning, from touch or when pressing.
  • It is helpful in complaint of worms, especially ascarides.

Male Sexual Organs

  • Abrotanum is indicated for hydrocele of children.

Female Sexual Organs

  • There is darting pain in left ovary, twitching in both ovarian regions, seems to extend to back.

Respiratory Organs

  • Cold air causes a raw feeling in respiratory tract is relieved by Abrotanum.

Heart and Pulse

  • There is pain across chest sharp and severe in region of heart, rheumatism.
  • Metastasis of rheumatism to heart is checked by Abrotanum.
  • Abrotanum is indicated for weak and small pulse.


  • Pains in sacrum is relieved by it.


  • It is well indicated when there is inability to move, marasmus of lower extremities.
  • Soreness and lameness, worse in mornings is well relieved by Abrotanum.
  • Chilblains itch, frost-bitten limbs, Gout in wrists and ankles is relieved by it.


  • Person with Flabby, hangs loose, marasmus.


  • Restlessness, frightful dreams is well marked symptom of Abrotanum.


  • Weak, sickly feeling, when excited, trembling, Lame and sore all over is marked.
  • Abrotanum is indicated for people who feel Weak and prostrated after influenza.
  • Numbness is well relieved.

Side effects of Dr. Reckeweg Abrotanum

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given.