
Dhootpapeshwar Rasarajeshwar Ras

30 tab

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Dhootapapeshwar Rasraj Ras Benefits, Dosage, Ingredients

Rasarajeshwar Ras:A fantastic combination of Suvarnayukta Rasaraj Rasa, Shuddha Vishamushti, Ashwagandha, Rasasindoor & Dashamoola Vishesh Shodhit Guggul, which acts as the best medicine for all kinds of Nervous System Disorders. Rasarajeshwar Rasa reduces nervine irritation, inflammation and is an excellent pain reliever. Contents like Arjuna and Bala strengthen the muscles and nerves.

Rasarajeshwar Ras is a herbo-mineral Ayurvedic proprietary medicine manufactured by Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited,Mumbai (India).This medicine contains Rasaraj Rasa Suvarna yukta,Shuddha Vishamushti, Ashwagandha,Rasa Sindoor and Dashamoola Vishesh Shodhit Guggul.This medicine is for useful in treating all kinds of Nervous System Disorders.Rasarajeshwar Rasa reduces nervine irritation,inflammation and is an excellent pain reliever.Herbal ingredients such as Arjuna and Bala strengthen the muscles and nerves.


Rasraj Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine, with herbal and mineral ingredients, in tablet form. It is used in treating neuro-muscular conditions. It is also called as Rasaraj Ras.  This medicine should only be taken strictly under medical supervision. 

Rasraj Ras Benefits:
It is used in the treatment of neuro-muscular conditions such as paralysis, hemiplegia, locked jaw, facial palsy, hearing defects, dizziness, and such other diseases caused due to Vata imbalance.
It helps to strengthen nerves and muscles.
Doctors also prescribe this for the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis.

Doctors prescribe this medicine for the treatment of
Arthritis, trigeminal neuralgia
Headache, migraine, vascular headache
Multiple sclerosis

Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata

Traditional indication:
Pakshaghata – paralysis
Ardita – facial palsy
Hanustambha – locked jaw
Apatanaka, Apatantraka – a neurological disorder
Dhanustambha – tetanus, back stiffness
Badhirya – deafness, hearing difficulties
Mastakabhrama – psychological disorders, schizophrenia
Balya – improves strength and immunity
Vrushya – aphrodisiac

Rasraj Ras dosage:
125 mg to 250 mg – 1 – 2 tablets once or twice a day before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.
This medicine is traditionally administered along with milk or water, added with little quantity of sugar.

Rasraj Ras side effects:

  •  This medicine should only be taken under strict medical supervision.
  • Self medication with this medicine may prove to be dangerous.
  • It is to be avoided in children and pregnant ladies.
  • Make sure to select this medicine from a good company.
  • Overdosage may cause side effects like tremors, dizziness etc.

Rasraj Ras ingredients:

Parada – Purified and processed Mercury  – 40 grams
Abhrakasatva – Purified and processed Silica –  10 grams
Swarna Bhasma – Gold Bhasma – 5 grams
Loha Bhasma – Iron Bhasma – 5 grams
Rajata Bhasma – Silver Bhasma – 5 grams
Vanga Bhasma – Tin Bhasma – 5 grams

The fine powder of above ingredients is ground well with Aloe vera juice. Then the following herbal ingredeints are added in fine powder form.


Vajigandha – Withania somnifera
Lavanga – Clove – Syzigium aromaticum
Jatikosha – Nutmeg – Myristica fragrans
The whole mixture is triturated with
Kakamachirasa – Juice extract of Solanum nigrum and tablets are made

Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Vatavyadhi Chikitsa 26/205-208