
Dehlvi Kushta Aqiq

10 gm

Rs. 54 Rs. 60 10% off         
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Strengthens the heart. Useful in palpitation and anxiety states, haemoptysis, leucorrhoea and menorrhagia in females. In tuberculosis it heals the holes or cavities of the lungs formed as a result of tissue destruction.


Botanical Name Hindi Name Qty
Each dose of 60 mg contains:    
Red Agate (Aqeeq Surkh) 60 mg
Nymphaea lotus (Gule Nilofar) q.s.
Plantago major (Fresh Leaves) (Berge Bartang Taza) q.s.
Weakness of heart, palpitation, anxiety, haemoptysis, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia and tuberculosis.