
Dehlvi Itrefal Muqil

250 gm

Rs. 333 Rs. 370 10% off         
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Useful in both types of piles, specially in bleeding piles. Also removes constipation and flatulence and strengthens the stomach.


Botanical Name Hindi Name Qty
Each dose of 5 g contains:    
Terminalia chebula (Yellow) (Post Halela Zard) 319.15 mg
Terminalia belerica (Post Balela) 319.15 mg
Emblica officinalis (Amla) 319.15 mg
Commiphora mukul (Muqil) 851.06 mg
Mel (Shahed) 3.191 g
Allium porrum Juice (Aabe Gandana) q.s.
Preservative   q.s.
Piles, constipation, flatulence and weakness of the digestive system.