
Dehlvi Iksir Gurda

20 tab

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Useful in kidney stone and stone in the bladder. It breaks the stone and passes it through the urinary tract. It also clears the excretion of certain substances formed due to metabolic disorder that encourages kidney stone formation.


Botanical Name Hindi Name Qty
Each 250 mg tablet contains:    
Ammonii chloridum (Naushadar) 27.78 mg
Black Salt (Namak Siah) 27.78 mg
Rock Salt (Namak Lahauri) 27.78 mg
Potassium Nitrate (Shora Qalmi) 27.78 mg
Potassium Carbonate (Jawakhar) 27.78 mg
  (Patparya Khar) 27.78 mg
Sodii biboras (Suhaga Kham) 27.78 mg
Ferula foetida (Hing) 27.78 mg
Piper nigrum (Filfil Siah) q.s.
Kidney Stone