
Dawakhana Tibbiya Khoon Safa

380 ml

Rs. 172         
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Pimples, boils eruptions and other skin diseases appear in change of weather, particularly during rains. This Syrup being a cleanser and purifier of a very high order, drives away impurities of the blood and makes it pure and healthy.

It cures permanently the pimples, itches, eruptions and skin diseases and provides a condition of well-being.

The range of this Syrup is almost limitlees. Being a prepara­tion purely herbal, it is not efficacious only in eliminnating and curing the skin diseaeses, but it has a very gently laxative and appetizing effects also by removing constipation. It cures seasonal fever also and by overhauling the system imparts health.

Children 5 ml. Adults 10 ml. both morning and evening.

Two Phials are enough to bring normal condition.