
Baidyanath Vasavaleha

100 gm

Rs. 87 Rs. 97 10% off         
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Vasavaleha: Qualities and Benefits

The scientific survey reveals that 18% of the population suffers from one or other kind of respiratory tract infections. Exposure to polluted environment, decreased immunity, altered food habits, contaminated food and beverages, exposure to allergic agents causes respiratory tract infections. Allergic rhinitis is most common among them. Here is a safe and effective Ayurvedic formulation to counteract the complaint of asthma, chronic cold, rhinitis and similar respiratory tract infections.


  1. Vasa-Adathoda vasica-Leaves-768g
  2. Sita -Sugar candy- 384g
  3. Ghrita -Ghee-96g
  4. Pippali-Piper longum-Fruits-96g
  5. Madhu – Honey-384g

Dose: 5-10g

Action: Expectorant, broncho- dilator, coolant, immuno modulator

Uses: It subside cough, cold, rhinitis, bleeding disorders, asthma, chest pain, pain in the flanks and fever

My experience with this formulation:-

  • The patients who are habituated to take the anti asthmatic drugs (broncho- dilators and expectorants), if they consume the medicine regularly, gradually, the dose of the allopathic medicines can be decreased and better therapeutic efficacy can be obtained.
  • Those who are having cold and rhinitis, if this recipe is taken along with warm water, the complaints are subsided soon.
  • In case of bleeding from the nostrils, Vasavaleha is administered along with cow’s milk.
  • In the conditions of phlegm, nasal blockage and sinusitis, Vasavaleha is found effective by its potent expectorant and broncho-dilation effect.