
Amrit Kalash by Mahrishi Ayurveda 60 Tablets Sugar Free

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Maharishi Amrit Kalash - 4 (Sugar Free 60 Tablets)

₹. 1,290.00 less 10% off


Increases Productivity

Increases Stamina

Sharpens Memory

Reduces Stress

Strengthens Immunity

Maintains Youthfulness

Ensures Heart Health


Maharishi Amrit Kalash is one of the most well known Rasayanas for daily health and longevity.

It’s enriched with the goodness of 53 time-tested natural herbs and minerals.

Research Summary

Maharishi Amrit Kalash is a well-researched Ayurvedic proprietary rasayana. It is extensively researched, clinically tested & proven at globally renowned institutions like AIIMS. More than 50 papers have been published around the world.


Maharishi AmritKalash promotes bala, or vital strength, that helps the body fight back disease.

It nourishes the seven tissues (dhatus) — nutritional fluid, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductive fluid.

Maharishi Amrit Kalash balances the three ayurvedic principles of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which govern vital activities of the mind and body, right from circulation and digestion to respiration and emotions.

Maharishi Amrit Kalash boosts all three mental abilities recognized in ayurveda: dhi — learning; dhriti — retention; and smriti — recall.

Amrit is made in a traditional two-part formula; it works most effectively when both paste & tablets are taken regularly (one tablet twice a day to be taken half an hour after Amrit Kalash paste).

Amrit Kalash Antioxidant Benefits and Comparisons:

FACT: Combinations of antioxidants work better than single ingredients (like Vitamins C or E), because when antioxidants are combined they support each other synergistically to create a magnified effect. HOW AMRIT KALASH MEASURES UP:Amrit contains forty herbal ingredients to create a more powerful synergy than any other antioxidant formula available today.

FACT:Most single antioxidants (including Vitamin C and E) are ineffective because they never reach the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cells and the home of the DNA. This is because they are water soluble, locked out by the lipid-fat membrane that surrounds the mitochondria. Other antioxidants are fat-soluble and cannot cross the watery cytoplasm. HOW AMRIT KALASH MEASURES UP: Amrit contains lipid-soluble ghee (clarified butter), which combines with antioxidants and carries their healing molecules through the lipid barrier that surrounds the mitochondria. This is how Amrit is able to bring antioxidant power to the heart of the cell and protect the DNA. Amrit also contains water-soluble antioxidants, and thus can penetrate the cytoplasm as well. This is how Amrit protects both the inside and the outside of cells. Amrit also contains polyphenols, herbal ingredients that are both fat soluble and water soluble.

FACT:The best way to stop free radical damage is to keep them from forming in the first place. HOW AMRIT KALASH MEASURES UP: Amrit prevents free radical damage by inhibiting the activity of enzymes involved in the production of free radicals. At the same time, it neutralizes, or scavenges, free radicals that already exist in the body.

FACT:Many single antioxidants would need to be taken in dangerously high doses to create a significant antioxidant effect. HOW AMRIT KALASH MEASURES UP:A normal daily dose of Amrit is 1000 times more effective than comparable amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and the drug Probucol in scavenging free radicals and preventing damage to the body.

FACT: Few antioxidant compounds have been tested in a laboratory setting. HOW AMRIT KALASH MEASURES UP: Amrit has been the subject of more than thirty research studies. When we talk about the benefits of Amrit, we are talking about quantifiable results that have been verified by independent researchers in top universities, such as The Ohio State University and the University of California.

FACT: Other antioxidant formulas neutralize only a small fraction of the free radicals found in the human body. HOW AMRIT KALASH MEASURES UP: Amrit is a full-spectrum antioxidant, which means that its complex formula contains both water-soluble and lipid-soluble herbal ingredients. These include:

• Photochemical, the natural antioxidants from plants that have other healing powers

• Polyphenols, free radical scavengers that neutralize damaging ions. Polyphenols include both water-soluble and lipid-soluble antioxidants, and can regenerate Vitamin C and E

• Bioflavanoids, a group of polyphenols with the highest antioxidant power. They have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol, combat LDL oxidation, and increase HDL

• Resveratrol, another polyphenol that helps protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation and prevents platelet aggregation

• Vitamin C to enhance immune function

• Vitamin E, the anti-aging oxidant, combating peroxidation of the brain

• Beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant

1 Maharishi Amrit Kalash tablet in the morning. Same dosage to be repeated in the evening.


Maharishi Amrit Kalash Tablet (60 Tablets)